Contribution of Token Type Cooperative Learning Models for in the Haruru Christian Middle School
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A teacher who is capable of carrying out his teaching duties if the stages of preparation, learning process and evaluation are carried out according to his design. The process that is often neglected is that the learning model used is sometimes unable to provide solutions to teachers. Curriculum changes that have occurred in Indonesia indicate that all education actors, including teachers, must be ready and improve themselves to follow the development of change. In line with the demands for changes in the 2013 Curriculum calls for changes in development from social in nature to democratic participation, for the sake of human resource growth. If so, education should be directed as a process: learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be yourself (learning to be) and even lifelong learning (life long). learning), must adorn the lifestyle of a teacher, remembering that the teacher is an important figure in the process of change. This study intends to apply a learning model including: development of a syllabus and a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) cooperative type time token type in PAK and Character In Class V, the material of Allah loves the world. The action hypothesis is a temporary answer in the form of action on the formulation of the problems set out in this classroom action research which is: student learning outcomes will increase "can be accepted. Based on the results of the implementation of classroom action research with the title implementation of the Jerrold E camp learning model in Christian education (PAK) and Character subjects in junior high schools, especially in Hauru Christian Middle School in class VIII which lasted for 2 research cycles, it can be concluded: Christian Educarion (PAK) and Character work effectively, so student learning outcomes will increase
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