Development of Physical Qualities in Children 6-7 Summer Age with Primary Use of Means of Gymnastics

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Djamshid Umarov Xasanovich


the work Purpose is working out and realisation of a technique of carrying out of lessons of physical training in the first classes with primary use of means of gymnastics. During work carrying out studying and the analysis of the scientifically-methodical literature was spent, methods of pedagogical supervision, pedagogical testing of physical readiness, heart rate monitoring, and also methods of mathematical statistics were used. The offered technique represents introduction of the developed complexes of exercises during the lessons of physical training directed on development of the basic physical qualities and increase of health of pupils of the first classes, and also for entering of emotional colouring and interest. Use of an offered technique of training to exercises with primary use of means of gymnastics has allowed to raise a number of indicators of impellent abilities statistically essentially.

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