Short Film Production for Obesity-Reduction Campaign of Secondary School in Yala, Thailand
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This research aimed to produce short film for obesity-reduction campaign and survey audiences’ satisfaction after watch short film media. The qualitative research was employed in this research and investigated by using questionnaires method. The participants were selected from junior secondary school students in Yala province 345 people. Data were statistically analyzed the audiences of obesity-reduction short film as percentage and mean, it can be shown that group watching obesity-reduction short film were female 39.7 percent and male 60.3 percent, age average was almost around 11-13 years old at 50.4 percent, secondly 14-16 years old 49.6 percent. Almost audiences were Buddhist at 59.7 percent, followed by Islamic at 40 percent. The quality of film were analyzed at mean score 3.75 (high), the rating scores were analyzed as quality of frame, shot, scene and sequences. All mentioned aspects must been smooth, flow without any interruption, and the smoothness, all aspects were rated at 4.12 most interested (high). The benefits and satisfactions of watching short film had mean score at 4.18 (high), almost audiences were satisfy in guideline contents to prevent obesity by arm swing and exercise, the mean score was reached at 4.45 (very high).
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