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This study is aimed to investigate the structures of adjacency pairs in English conversation conducted by the students of faculty of teacher training and education (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan/FKIP) at Universitas HKBP Nommensen (UHN). The subjects for conducting the SPP of Adjacency Pairs are ten, and for the FPP is one student. For turn-taking the subjects are fifteen students. The researchers apply a descriptive qualitative design in this study. The researchers observe what involved in the interaction, when, where, and how people interact based on Conversation Analysis (CA) approach. Because CA needs naturally occurring data, the researchers take the location of research outside classroom. The conversation outside classroom enacts an informal talk as what this research is about. The location outside classroom can be at the canteen, and benches around the campus. The results of the study found that there were ten structure of adjacency pair and turn-taking, they were: 1) The student’s sequence of greeting-greeting is that the FPP is greeting and the FPP is greeting; 2) The construction of the students’ APs in question-answer is : a) a question – answer, a question - a question; 3) The structure of compliment AP in student’s conversation can be constructed as : a compliment - rejection, a compliment - a rejection in SPP (scaling down); 4) Offer-acceptance is composed : an offer of goods in FPP and an acceptance in SPP and an offer of service in FPP and an acceptance in SPP; 5) Invitation in student’s conversation contains inserted sequence the acceptance response; 6) Current speaker selects next (CSSN) in student’s conversation can be realized in two participants conversation like in all data in adjacency pair; 7) The CSSN allocation techniques is not always applicable in students’ conversation; 8) Self-select (SS) in students’ conversation is done as what is effective in English, but it is constrained by an overlapping talk; 9) Speaker continuation (SC) is shown by a long silence. The silence implies the development of topic or topic change. Last but not least, the researchers conclude that knowing the structure of adjacency pairs in conversation can help the speakers and listener to avoid and cope with all problems in speaking.
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