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Freddy Johanis Rumambi, Niswa Nabila Sri Bintang Alam


North Lombok Regency is the youngest district in NTB with an area of ​​809.53 Km², and is geographically located at the North Foot of Mount Rinjani. The location of North Lombok Regency is very strategic, it is located in a tourist destination. The sea transportation route in the Lombok Strait is increasingly crowded as refueling traffic from the middle east, as well as from Australia in the form of metal mineral routes to the Asia Pacific. This area has a number of tourist objects that are very well known abroad, such as Gili Terawangan, Sendang Gile Bayan Waterfall, the beauty of Segare Anak Lake at the top of Rinjani and many more. In 2017, the number of tourist visits in North Lombok almost reached 1 million people. Tourists, both foreign and domestic, have a total of 995,966 people. Seeing the rapid development of tourism in North Lombok by looking at the vulnerability of the area to a tsunami, it is necessary to consider reducing the risk of the impact of the tsunami and maintaining the stability of the tourism industry. Most of the people in North Lombok are very dependent on the tourism industry. So real efforts are needed in reducing disaster risk, one of which in this study is to look at community preparedness. This study aims to analyze community preparedness efforts in North Lombok Regency. The method used in this research is a qualitative method with descriptive analysis where any data or information obtained through the analysis process is conveyed in the form of a description. The result of this research is that post-earthquake preparedness of coastal communities has just begun to be carried out by conducting and preserving local wisdom by building houses with light construction such as newga, awareness and preparedness of coastal communities in the tsunami disaster mitigation process are not yet fully prepared because there is still a lack of training and simulations on community preparedness. in the face of the threat of a tsunami, the community has begun to build awareness of the importance of preparedness science in mitigating the occurrence of a tsunami disaster as evidenced by starting to build house construction with various options such as Plus Plus Plus Plus Plus Instant Steel Structures, Earthquake Resistant Instant Houses, Steel Structure Instant Houses, Healthy Simple Instant, Conventional Instant Houses, and Wooden Instant Houses are one of the ways for preparedness in facing the threat of a tsunami in order to create disaster resilient coastal communities in northern Lombok.


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