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Since the time immemorial, the disease and the Man have lived cheek by Jowl. Where there is a man, there has always been diseases. These diseases have been in different forms, lingering on the mankind either in the form of ordinary diseases or as lethal pandemics or epidemics such as SARS, MERS, EBOLA, H1N1, HIV etc. Covid-19 or Coronavirus is one of them, which is a formidable challenge before the world today. In these days, it is ready to engulf the whole world in a jiffy, if precautionary measures as suggested by the WHO are not taken. As of May 08, 2020, the corona virus outbreak has infected more than 39 lakh people and taken 2.71 Lakh lives across the world. Out of these, 76,000 people in USA, 30,000 people in UK, 29,000 people in Italy, 26,000 people in Spain and 25,000 people in France have lost their lives due to this pandemic with no fault on their part. Today about 212 countries in the world are in the grip of coronavirus disease. This disease has put scientists to the test: it is a test of political leadership, of national health systems, of social care services, of solidarity, of the social contract- a test of our very own fabric. Although the world has tried its best to harness over this pandemic and is trying its best to prepare the vaccine for its treatment but still no vaccine in fighting against coronavirus. We are in very early stages and have not made ourselves capable to find out any way to fight against this disease.
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