“Determining the Best Mode of Promotion in a Retail Store: A study”.

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Dr. Cedric Thomas Silveira, Mr. Nigel Barreto


Various modes of promotion are possible but to choose the best makes sense, else it is a waste of time and money. People visiting the retail stores are attracted to it by various modes. I selected publicity, word of mouth , personal selling , advertising , e-mail marketing, and sales promotion. Wishing to find out as to what attracts a customer who visits a retail store, I drew up a questionnaire to be filled up by the customers. The questionnaire had six variables which had to be ranked from 1 to 6, with 1 being the least important and 6 being the most important. The variables were publicity, word of mouth, personal selling, e-mail marketing, advertising and sales promotion. A total of 100 customers were interviewed. A personal interview was conducted wherein the questionnaire was direct and structured.  The results were such that advertising was ranked number 1 followed by word of mouth, sales promotion, personal selling, publicity and e-mail marketing. Karl Pearsons coefficient of correlation was also conducted to find if any relationship existed between paid and unpaid promotion , and personal and impersonal promotion. No correlation was found in personal and impersonal promotion whereas a medium correlation existed between paid and unpaid promotion.

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