Education and Tribal Development
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InIndia Tribals are the oldest Inhabitants. Most of the areas inhabited by the tribals are remote and underdeveloped. The tribals live mostly in isolated villages or hamlets. A smaller portion of their population has now settled in permanent villages as well as in towns and cities. There are innumerable constraints responsible for the lower pace of the tribal development process than desired. The Tribals have been given numerous rights and concessions under various statutes of central as well as State Governments but they remain deprived of the benefits arising out of such statutory provisions due to their ignorance and apathy of enforcing agencies. There exists a lack of awareness among the tribal population about various developmental programmes launched by the Government of India and the States, resulting in their exploitation. Despite the efforts made by the Government, the benefits are not reaching the needy poor people. The basic problem is not the scarcity of resources but mismanagement. The multiplicity of the agencies which are carrying out these programmes has compounded the problem. Many times they are not able to coordinate their efforts or fail to follow up the programmes over a longer duration. Against this backdrop, the present study reviews the impact of various developmental programmes of the Central and the State Governments on the overall development of tribals. This paper attempts to highlight the different Educational Welfare programmes targets and achievement’s Undertaken by the ITDP.
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