Effect of Happy-8 Workplace and Corporate Social Responsibility on Success of Small and Medium Enterprises in Thailand

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Yananda Siraphatthada


Happy-8 workplace means happy and satisfied employees are working at the workplace. This happy workplace or happy workers of corporation increase the performance of the company. Another factor that contributes to higher performance is corporate social responsibility means societal and philanthropic work from organizations. This current study also wants to explore the relationship between the Effect of Happy-8 Workplace and Corporate Social Responsibility on Success of Small and Medium Enterprises among employees working in small and medium enterprises functioned in Thailand. Data is collected through a questionnaire via a drop-down survey method. Items related to variables taken from previous studies. Results generated from collected data indicate that happy-8 workplace and corporate social responsibility have a positive significant impact on the success of small and medium enterprises. Corporate social responsibility also has a positive impact on workforce orientation and workforce orientation also mediates the relation between corporate social responsibility and the success of small and medium enterprises. The current study gives recommendations to policymakers that they should focus on the happy-8 workplace and corporate social responsibility for increasing the success of small and medium enterprises.

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