Transforming the Approach for Elderly Care in Urban Setup: Prospects and Criteria for Developing ‘Age-Friendly City’
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Although it is establish fact proven by previous researches that active and positive aging is the key for being younger and energetic yet ‘Age-friendly city’ policies and social setups are inevitable steps to overcome the challenges of later life. Data collected in present research, emphasized upon the key consideration for policy makers to address ‘Age-Friendly city’. Empirical evidences were collected based on responses from professionals total 60 respondents have been selected through ‘Expert opinion Survey’ from 12 specific categories five area experts from each category i.e. Administrators, Academicians, Policymakers, Urban Planners, Gerontologists, Economists, Political Scientists, Architects, Social Activists, Law Professionals, Psychologist, Geriatrics, Media Experts were approached.
Present paper explores different aspects of ‘Age-Friendly City’ such as flux in demography of aging at Global, National and Jaipur city level, model for deciding components and criteria for developing ‘Age-Friendly City’ with its required and desirable components. Shaping ‘age-friendly city’ plans and policy needs a fair link between shift in demographic profile of elderly and infrastructural developments with affordable and effective institutional care. Therefore, at the end consideration for policy makers in order to make Jaipur as an ‘Age-friendly city’ have been discussed in this paper
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