The Teaching of Maharah Qira'ah in Arabic for Economic Management Department
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The purpose of this study is to develop an Arabic reading textbook specifically applicable to students of the Economic Management department, and to measure its effectiveness in increasing maharah qira’ah. This study used a Borg and Gall model R&D design with the sample study consisting of 40 students in the 2nd semester of the Management Economics Department at the State Islamic University of Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau. The sample consists of 20 students each in the experimental and control groups. Data were collected through interviews, questionnaires, observation, and tests. The qualitative data utilized in this study were analyzed in four stages, namely collection, classification, presentation, and conclusion, while quantitative data were analyzed using the help of the SPPS application. The result showed that 95% of students need the development of this product, the design and development of teaching materials are needed to improve students' reading skills, and the developed textbooks are effective to improve students' reading skills with an average value of 72, 2 which increases to 84.4. Furthermore, the calculation results of the t-test formula show that tcount = 4.1 and t-table = 2.09, with t-count> t-table, therefore the null hypothesis (H0) was rejected, and the alternative hypothesis (Ha) accepted.
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