Leading the 21st Century ICT-Based School in the Changing Paradigm in Education: Challenges and Steps Forward
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This mixed-method research proposes a model-framework for integrating Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the school. Data were generated from the relatable knowledge and experiences of participants-school heads and teachers, and the valuable sharing of leaders in selected Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs).
The quantitative findings illustrated that school heads were having difficulty in the implementation of ICT in their schools despite having been assessed as highly knowledgeable, excellent in ICT skills and having highly positive attitude as regards ICT per se. This inconsistency poses constraints and challenges for the optimal implementation of ICT in the school even if the teachers also viewed the actual ICT implementation in curriculum and instruction as operating very well in agreement with that of their school heads’ perceptions. Meanwhile, the three participant-leaders of the selected (TEIs) explicitly described the different ICT platforms they employ to gear up the potentials of pre-service teachers on ICT-based teaching in the light of 21st century education. The triangulation of findings highlights the significance of leadership in integrating ICT in schools through the proposed model-framework that underscores a learner-centered curriculum, faculty retooling, and personnel collaboration to maximize human potentials.
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