Microteaching Management During The Covid-19 Pandemic in Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Kristen Indonesia

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Hotmaulina Sihotang


This study aims to describe the microteaching management of Mathematics prospective teachers during the Covid-19pandemic. This study uses a qualitative approach. The research subjects were 18 students with a purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques through observation during online microteaching practices and questionnaires filled out by students using Microsoft Office 365 Form. Observations using the observation questionnaire. The data obtained was validated by the expert with FGD. Data analysis uses descriptive statistics. The results showed microteaching management: (a) Study program has microteaching standards; (b) All volunteers have mastered Microsoft Office 365 Teams technology, are confident and have professional teaching skills; (c) the lecturer reviews the practitioner based on indicators; (d) control is carried out with feedback, always showing room for improvement; and (e) students who have excellent practice results are still given enrichment.


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