The psychometric characteristics of the Jordanian Version from the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) for the school stage
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This study aimed to identify the characteristics of the psychometric features of the
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children- Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) on a Jordanian
hearing sample to assess mental capacity at the school level. (418) students were part
of the study sample. To achieve the objectives of the study, the items of The Validity,
reliability. Concurrent Validity with Goodenough- Harris Drawing Test Man (0.946),
achievement (0.887), Pearson's correlation coefficient for (Verbal Comprehension
Index, VCI) = (0.414-0.824), (Perceptual Reasoning Index, PRI) = (0.734-0.922),
(Working Memory Index, WMI)= (0.743-0.930), (Processing Speed Index, PSI) =
(0.643-0.954), Correlation coefficients for all subparagraphs between (0.602-0.823),
Indications of the stability of the scale were also found in using Cronbach's alpha
(0.928), the Test-Retest Reliability method was the coefficient of stability (0.888),
reliability of standard are conveyed, Resident Agreement (0.890), Resident stability
by Holste method (86.5%). The study recommends measuring and diagnosing
students with the (WISC-IV) scale to identify strengths and weaknesses. And make an
individual educational plan. Carrying out qualitative studies on the scale sub-tests.
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