L’enseignement à distance du français langue étrangère postpandémie Covid19 à l’université de Blida 2 : retour d’expérience

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Since the Covid19 pandemic, e-education has become essential in all Algerian universities who have switched from traditional face-to-face teaching to digital teaching via the Moodle educational platform. This article sheds light on the extension of this new mode of teaching at the University of Blida 2 after the return to presential mode since 2021. The aim of this study is to examine the opinions of teachers and students of French language foreign on the use of this method of teaching/learning after the end of the confinement linked to the Covid-19 pandemic. To do this, two written questionnaires were distributed to the public concerned. It appears that teachers are more favorable than students to the application of this new teaching/learning process. However, several obstacles are highlighted : difficulty of connecting and accessing to the Moodle platform, limited technological skills, reduced attention and motivation of students, interaction problems and disrupted teaching practices.

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