and Education Journal2025-02-19T18:04:33+00:00Open Journal Systems<h2><strong>PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (ISSN: 1553-6939)<br /></strong></h2> <div class="row" style="border: 1px solid grey; padding: 5px; text-align: justify;">Dear Authors and Researchers,<br />We would like to inform you that the U.S. ISSN Center at the Library of Congress has confirmed that the correct ISSN number of the Journal <strong>Psychology and Education</strong> is ISSN 1553-6939. This ISSN is to be used instead of ISSN 0033-3077 which is the ISSN that belongs to the former title, “<strong>Psychology</strong>.” Each time a journal undergoes a major change of title a new ISSN is assigned. <strong>Psychology and Education</strong> also has been assigned a Linking ISSN (ISSN-L). The ISSN-L is available for use when there is a need to identify and link to a continuing resource without regard to format, for example in services such as OpenURL, library catalogues, search engines or knowledge bases. 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There are numerous papers on important aspects of psychology and education which can find no place in the professional literature. This journal is dedicated to filling this void.<br />Preparation of manuscripts: In formal aspects, the manuscripts should follow closely the general directions given in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Edition). EXCEPTIONS: All data in photographs, tables, drawings, figures and graphs must be simplified and stated in the RESULTS section of the paper. All papers must be formatted in MSWord, typed, Times New Roman font #12, double-spaced, with 1 inch margins, and submitted electronically or printed manuscript in original copy. Manuscripts must be accompanied by an abstract of about 70-100 words. The manuscript and abstract should conform to the American Psychological Association Manual Style, 6th Edition.<br />Given the present trends in the publishing industry and to reach the global audience without any restrictions, we have opted to move the journal from subscription-based to Gold open access.<br />A shift in this mode has certain benefits:</p> <ul> <li>Increased usage and citation</li> <li>Easy compliance with institutional and funder mandates</li> <li>Retention of copyright by authors</li> <li>Greater public engagement</li> <li>Faster impact</li> </ul> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Psychology and Education</strong>, the Editor, nor the Board of Editors (individually or collectively), assumes no responsibility for statements of fact or opinion in the papers printed. Authors are responsible for obtaining copyright permissions. Advertising rates supplied on request. Books for review should be sent to the Editor.<br />Articles in <strong>Psychology and Education</strong> are listed in PsycINFO, American Psychological Association (APA), Scopus,, and shared with other websites, and numerous gratis copies are mailed to the Library of Congress, EBSCO subscription services, and universities in developing countries overseas.</p> </div> Graphics in Contemporary Arabic Graffiti Its Semiotic Manifestations and Sociological Dimensions 2025-02-05T05:16:12+00:00Dr. Naas<p>Graffiti is a global cultural phenomenon that reflects a wide range of ideas and feelings, and heds light on the social, political and cultural characteristics of the societies in which it appears.Graffiti in the contemporary Arab world is one of the most prominent cultural phenomena that reflect social and political changes. These writings are of particular importance, as they are a means of self-expression, a space for interaction with reality, and a lever for achieving change. These <br>writings also include a set of symbols and connotations that express the concerns and aspirations of society, making them a rich subject for semiotic and sociological study.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Level of Organizational Citizenship Behavior among Budgetary Oversight Employees in the Wilaya of Ghardaia2025-02-18T17:40:29+00:00Benyoucef Hamzagest.hyd@gmail.comMaamri<p>This paper aims at exploring the extent of organizational citizenship behavior among employees</p> <p>of budgetary oversight in the <em>Wilaya </em>of Ghardaïa. It also seeks to identify whether variations in</p> <p>this behavior could be attributed to specific demographic and professional variables, namely</p> <p>gender, seniority, and age. To address these objectives, a questionnaire was designed and</p> <p>distributed to a sample comprising 90 employees. The researcher adopted a descriptive</p> <p>methodology and employed an array of advanced statistical techniques, including frequencies,</p> <p>percentages, arithmetic means, standard deviations, chi-square tests, Pearson’s correlation</p> <p>coefficient, Cronbach’s alpha, and three-way ANOVA. The paper revealed some key findings,</p> <p>some important of which are that the level of organizational citizenship behavior among employees</p> <p>of budgetary oversight in the <em>Wilaya </em>of Ghardaïa is notably high. Furthermore the research</p> <p>manifested that there were no statistically significant differences observed in the level of</p> <p>organizational citizenship behavior based on the variables of age, gender, or</p> <p>seniority.</p>2025-02-02T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Psychology and Education Journal the technical performance differences between the Arab football teams at the Africa Cup of nations 2019.2025-02-18T17:11:57+00:00Guemini Hafidgest.hyd@gmail.comGouami<p>The study aimed to try to find out</p> <p>the level of technical differences</p> <p>between the Arab teams</p> <p>participating in the 2019 African</p> <p>Cup of Football, as the study relied</p> <p>on the descriptive analytical</p> <p>approach by studying some</p> <p>technical indicators expressing the</p> <p>levels of shooting and passing. The</p> <p>research sample included 21</p> <p>interviews conducted by the following Arab teams (Algeria,</p> <p>Tunisia, Egypt and Mauritania)</p> <p>based on a technical observation</p> <p>card and then calculating and</p> <p>analyzing their results thanks to</p> <p>statistical tools and percentages.</p>2025-02-16T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Psychology and Education Journal is new about the authority of the French judge to amend the contract Read the order<p>The French judge did not have the authority to amend the contract before 2016,</p> <p>as the French legislator rejected the idea of amending the contract, and his</p> <p>argument for that was the necessity of respecting the principle of the sanctity of</p> <p>the contract.</p> <p>Article 1134 of the French Civil Code was a landmark article in enshrining the</p> <p>principle of the binding force of contracts, and therefore the judge refused to</p> <p>amend the contract under any pretext.In many cases, the Court of Cassation</p> <p>relied on that article in order to reason its decision and confirm the binding</p> <p>force of the contract, and thus rejected intervention.The judge in order to amend</p> <p>the contract under any pretext.</p> <p>This matter changed after the modernization of French legislation, as Order</p> <p>2016-131 issued on February 10, 2016 included among its victims Article 1134</p> <p>of the Civil Code, which entered into force on October 1, 2016.Article 1195,</p> <p>which was introduced by Order 2016, brought about 131 revolution in French</p> <p>civil law Which was an acknowledgment by the French legislator and the</p> <p>judiciary of the possibility of the judge intervening in order to amend the</p> <p>contract.</p> <p> </p>2025-02-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Psychology and Education Journal the Role of School Life Assistants for Autistic Students: A Study of Practical Challenges2025-02-05T05:20:09+00:00Dr. Hamza Behir, Dr. Siham<p>The aim of this study is to discover the various deficiencies and challenges faced by school based lifelong companions to autistic children at school. The current study was based on the prescriptive approach of the Barlson -style content analysis and using the interview guide of researchers.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Possibility of the Event in Algerian Folk Literature - A Semiotic Study- 2025-02-05T05:26:32+00:00Dr. Nail sefienne, Hachelafi<p>Place holds great significance in folk and artistic literary creativity, as it uniquely evokes a sense of belonging and an awareness of time, making it an <br>essential entity without which nothing occurs. It has played a crucial role in Palestinian poetry, where it became a poetic concern and anxiety stemming from <br>the feeling of loss and the attempt to reclaim it. The sense of place intensifies when it is lost or displaced, and this feeling becomes even more pronounced <br>when the displaced individual is a creative writer living in exile. Exile implies a rupture from physical existence in the homeland while simultaneously extending <br>its presence internally.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 eloquence of audio proportion in the Quranic phrase; A approach in the form of (Rahman Al -Rahim) from Surah Fussilat 2025-02-05T05:29:01+00:00Dr. AbdelHakem Belhia<p>This research deals with part of the manifestations of sound richness and the signature beauty of the Holy Qur’an, by analyzing the phrase (Rahman Al -Rahim) in Surat (separated). This frequent formula consisting of two words is one of the most roses of Majesty in the Qur’an. Where the researcher studied what dominates in this phrase from the voices (letters) and videos (movements) single and complex, looking at the way they were composed physically, a bit and a bunch, depending on the stylistic approach, based on the mechanisms of description, analysis and statistics, so he extracted what contained aesthetic values, and the dimensions of dimensions</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Poetics of Place Between Alphonse de Lamartine's Poem "The Lake" and Ali Mahmoud Taha's Translation 2025-02-05T05:31:53+00:00Mohamed Hallouche, Nadjoua<p>Translation, with all its theories, is considered a form of human communication and an effective medium that contributes to the transfer of the literature, cultures, and sciences of nations.Over a short period of time, it has witnessed great development, as theories have been developed for it and terms have been created for it.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Language Testing in English Language Classrooms2025-02-05T05:35:29+00:00PhD. Malika<p>Teaching a foreign language such as English requires more attention and involvement on the part of both teachers and learners; nonetheless, there are some important matters that affect English language teaching such as language testing. In fact, language testing which is part of language assessment (McNamara, 2004) has been less focused on and less given importance. This is due, in the main, to the lack of awareness of its importance in teaching in general and English language teaching in particular.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Emergence And Theories Of Human Languages: The Journey Of Searching For The Origin Of Speech2025-02-05T05:37:28+00:00Dr. Chouaib<p>The genesis of human languages is one of the most controversial and contemplative questions in the humanities. From early times, man sought to explain how language emerged as a means of communicating and expressing thoughts and feelings. Language is also a hallmark of the human race, combining innovation and flexibility, which we do not find in others, making it an essential tool for building civilizations and transmitting knowledge across generations.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Impact of Social Media on the Arabic Language Amid Linguistic Pollution2025-02-05T05:42:55+00:00Dr. Zahra Tahar<p>The Arabic language faces significant challenges in this era, particularly as the world witnesses numerous advancements in various fields of life, especially in information and communication technology, including computers and mobile phones. These technologies have contributed to diversifying and facilitating communication methods, as well as accessing, storing,and retrieving information.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Assimilation in the Reading of As-Sūsi: A Linguistic Feature and Identity Marker 2025-02-05T05:46:59+00:00Taiebi Ahmed<p>The science of Quranic readings (Qira'at) is considered the pinnacle of Islamic sciences due to its direct connection to the Holy Quran, serving as an original source for linguistic studies. The Quran has preserved the performance and pronunciation of the Arabic language, maintaining its phonemes, lexical materials, morphological structures, and syntactic constructions. Moreover, it has bestowed upon the Arabic language an eternal status, transforming it into a global language of civilization and knowledge, transcending its earlier role as a language of art and literature.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 of Arabic Poetic ego – zuhdiyat Abi Al-atahia- as a model 2025-02-05T05:49:08+00:00Dr. Zohra Cherabi, Dr. Mohamed<p>It is self- evident that is a word that combines in its meanings everything that prints the languge that makes up the spoken or written spoken or written linguistic tissue. Through which,judgments can be issued on various literary works in terms of their literary quality and their belonging to the literary work that carries dreamy elements and aesthetic artistic details basically working to ensure pleasure and intellectual excitement for the reader</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 in the Writings of Zhor Ounissi2025-02-05T05:51:06+00:00Dr. Kadri<p>The concept of commitment has emerged in the Arab literary scene, particularly in the context of engaged literature as envisioned by Sartre. The Arab intellectual landscape witnessed extensive debates, especially in the second half of the twentieth century, often taking on ideological dimensions due to the rise of diverse intellectual currents with various origins and orientations.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 rédactionnelles 2.02025-02-05T05:52:51+00:00Benotmane Achraf<p>The evolution of communication and information tools has profoundly transformed the teaching and learning landscape. As G. Perec points out, “Artificial intelligence makes it possible to support and improve the age-old effort of analysis and synthesis of data or knowledge, deeply shaping intellectual habits of thinking/classifying” In this context, education has been able to adapt to better meet specific objectives, in particular by helping learners of French as a foreign language (FLE) to develop their written and oral skills.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 cultural heritage: A socio - anthropological approach "El Tarf area as a model"2025-02-05T05:54:45+00:00Dr. MOULDI BECHINIA<p>This article is part of socio-anthropological research. It is a field of research that allows researchers in popular culture to approach aspects of daily local life, know its manifestations and elements, determine how they interact with each other in reality, and monitor the sociological models that result from that interaction that cannot be understood except with the help of anthropological knowledge. Meaning that this article will begin its study of the Intangible cultural heritage in the Al -Taref region of Algeria from prominent sociological elements on the surface of the daily life of society, but whose roots lie deep in the deep depth of the human culture of the region, which makes the issue of approaching it and providing explanations for it require the use of anthropology as the science of human.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Cultural Identity in Contemporary Arabic Novels Ibrahim al-Koni and the "Centralization" of the "Marginalized" Desert Space 2025-02-05T05:56:34+00:00Dr. Hamdani Abdelrahman<p>Contemporary Arabic novels seek to narrativize the cultural identity of the Arab-Islamic nation, aiming to elevate it from the margins unjustly imposed by Western centralism to its rightful position. This cultural identity is characterized by noble human values and intersections with various cultures, intellectual trends, and humanistic orientations.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025"The Foundations of Identity and Belonging in Light of Algerian Bedouin Singing" 2025-02-05T05:58:17+00:00Dr. Zaoui<p>The article addresses the representations of the components of national identity and their psychological, social, political, cultural, and civilizational dimensions as reflected in Algerian Bedouin songs. These songs serve as an authentic medium that embodies the culture and civilization of the community, providing a spontaneous means of expressing itself freely, sincerely,and without constraints. They represent a genuine and instinctive expression of the nation's dreams, <br>aspirations, misery, and struggles, serving as a shadow accompanying it through time, regardless of changing circumstances and places. As the saying goes, "He who has no heritage has no homeland, and he who has no homeland has no life." This essence is vividly reflected in Algeria's traditional Bedouin songs across various stages, contributing to the consolidation of national belonging and the reinforcement of the constants of national identity.</p>2025-02-04T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Role of Civil Liability in Redressing Environmental Pollution Damage2025-02-08T15:44:28+00:00Khelifa Boudaoud , Bouziane Said<p>Liability in the environmental field holds significant importance, having undergone substantial development and taken various forms at both the national and international levels. This evolution is a result of the escalating environmental damages, which have assumed new forms previously unknown. Accordingly, this study sheds light on the legal framework governing civil liability for environmental damages and the associated sanctions aimed at redressing and compensating such damages.</p>2025-02-06T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 School Students' Perspectives on Gender Equality: An Attempt Towards Breaking Traditional Barriers2025-02-08T17:14:05+00:00Sowmya. N. S & Dr. G.<p>Indian society's dome was built with women as its cornerstones. In the Rig Vedic era, women enjoyed high social rank. Women were properly educated in the <br>early Vedic era, claim Katyyana and Patanjali. Women had excellent opportunities to raise their own intellectual and spiritual standards. Women enjoyed having the freedom to select their partners, girls could go to school, and widow remarriage was popular (Swayamvara).</p>2025-02-03T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 of Resilience among Raped Woman A Clinical Study based on Thematic-Apperception-Test TAT2025-02-10T14:11:01+00:00Fouzia BOUSSADIA, Hanane TALEB<p>Indecent assault is one of the most severe crimes that a woman may experience in her life as it represents a strong trauma to her psychological system, especially since honor is one of the most important components of the customs and the traditions of our Algerian society.In this article, we will examine the indicators of resilience among raped women in a clinical study that contributes to understand her internal psychological aspects by giving an overview <br>of psychological resilience, psychological trauma, rape and psychological functioning.We support the theoretical aspect with a clinical field study of a raped woman who was able to overcome her trauma, we will try through this study to know the indicators of resilience through her Psychological functioning shown by her projective production in the Thematic perception-Test TAT.</p>2025-02-10T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Overseas Archives in France and Their Importance in Writing Modern and Contemporary Algerian History2025-02-11T05:32:41+00:00Hachemi<p>The archive is the primary source for knowing the historical truth, and for this reason it has received the attention of countries that have collected and <br>preserved archives in official centres.The Algerian state has taken care of the archives, collecting and has established several institutions to ensure this <br>Given the importance of the archives f the period of the French presence in Algeria, which plays a major role in writing the history of Algeria in a scientific <br>and objective way and preserving the Algerian national memory</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Impact of Arabic Language Institutes in Attracting Tourists to Turkey2025-02-11T05:35:55+00:00Dr. Fatiha Abbas, Dr. Ghalya<p>This study analyzes the role of Arabic language institutes in enhancing Turkey’s tourism sector, with updated data from 2010 to 2024. Using a mixed-methods <br>approach (quantitative and qualitative), we identified a 93.7% positive correlation between Arabic language education programs and tourist inflows. The <br>study also explores the impact of digital transformation in language learning, Turkey’s geopolitical positioning as a cultural bridge between Europe and the Arab world, and the contribution of educational tourism to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The findings emphasize the necessity of integrating language tourism into national sustainable development strategies.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 public representations on public sector employment2025-02-11T05:41:33+00:00 Farouk Nouasria, Larkem<p>The researcher conducted his study on public representations of work in the public sector starting from the following question: What is the nature of <br>students' public representations of work in the public sector? While students' public representations of work in the public sector revolve around a set of <br>vocabulary that carries economic semantic meanings, based on a psycho-social basis. representations and mixture between what is abstract and what is concrete. <br>It carries a negative semantic meaning .</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Economic Benefits of Endowment (Waqf)2025-02-11T05:43:51+00:00Bounoua<p>The endowment (Wakf) is one of the key factors to achieve economic development and higher level of incomes for the benefits of the society, if it is invested appropriately. Muslims were the pioneers to promote this important field, during successive eras of their history. The Islamic civilization integrated the endowment (Wakf) as part of economic system to meet the needs of the Islamic community. The present research explores the benefits of investing and managing the endowment to reach the economic development.</p>2025-02-11T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 of misuse of bank funds 2025-02-15T13:59:46+00:00Fatima Zohra<p>The intervention of the criminal legislator in the field of banking operations has become an urgent necessity to deter all unlawful practices by bank managers,<br>particularly those that harm bank funds. In this regard, the Algerian legislation has defined the crime of misuse of bank funds in order to protect the financial<br>integrity of the institution from any abuse by the management. It punishes any manager who exploits bank funds for personal gain.</p>2025-02-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 effectiveness of the effort perception method in the quantification and management of training load in football (u19 (2025-02-15T14:13:21+00:00Zeghib Mohamed Tahar , Malek Adel<p>The study aims at the effectiveness of the method of realizing effort in estimating and managing the burden of training in football (under 19). The researcher relied on the experimental approach in order to suit it with the nature of the research. n = 8) ablebodied footballers with the Cooper test (we took players with the same VO2 maximal values) using equipment (balance equipment, whistle scale, scale, heart rate monitor). Heart rate monitor The results showed that there is a significant correlation between heart rate and perception of effort during a medium training session for a period of 4 weeks in soccer practice.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Effectiveness of a Therapeutic Program Based on the Combination of the Audiovisual Training Device AVE and the Multi-Sensory Technique VAKT in Treating Dyslexia in Students.2025-02-15T14:17:15+00:00Salah Eddine Soualhi , Rahma<p>The current study aimed to find out the effectiveness of pairing between the audiovisual training device AVE and the multi-sensory technique VAKT in treating dyslexia among students. The study sample consisted of 10 cases of dyslexia. To achieve this goal, we followed the semi-experimental approach with a single-group design and applied preand post-tests using the Fathi Al-Zayat battery after the students had experienced the therapeutic sessions for the program. We also used the "T" test and the Eta squared coefficient. The results indicated the presence of statistically significant differences between the average scores of the students in the pre-test and post-test of the Fathi AlZayat battery at a significance level of 0.05.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Accompaniment and Its Role in the Efficacy of an ABA Therapy Program for Autism2025-02-15T14:24:51+00:00Dr. SAFA<p>This study aims to explores the role of parental involvement in enhancing the effectiveness of the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy program for children with autism. The central research question posed was: Does parental involvement significantly impact the success of the ABA therapy program? Utilizing a clinical approach, the research was conducted with two case studies at a specialized center for autism and psychological disorders. Data collection methods included semi-structured interviews with both parents and the psychologist overseeing the cases, detailed assessments of the outcomes from the ABA program, and clinical observations.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Semantic Potential between the Rigidity of Grammar and the Openness of the Pragmatic Horizon: A Reading of a Qur'anic Model2025-02-15T14:28:06+00:00Dr. Nouari Saoudi<p>Grammar represents the legal framework of language, through which individual words acquire meaning within the permissible combinations and patterns it governs. Any violation of these rules leads to a disintegration of the structure, followed by a rupture at the core of meaning. However, this does not imply<br>an absolute determinism of structure over meaning, nor does it suggest the complete subordination of meaning to structure. Many meanings in discourse emerge contrary to grammatical laws, driven by the circumstances of communication and the general context.</p>2025-02-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 OF MEDIA IN METAVERSE SPACES AND THE RESHAPING OF A NEW INTERNATIONAL MEDIA SYSTEM 2025-02-18T16:25:51+00:00Pr. Mourad KEMOUCHE , Dr. Mohamed LASFER<p>Media geopolitics constitutes an important pillar in building today's world. A field lacking means of communication is deficient at the political, economic, social, and diplomatic levels. The international media and communication system, with all its technologies, constitutes an industrial and commercial force, casting its shadow on the world of politics, security, and economics. It aims to mobilize populations, shape public opinion on international and local issues, and <br>formulate and promote public policies.</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 impact of executive function deficits in the pupils with disturbance Lack of attention accompanied by hyperactivity on the reading process2025-02-18T18:16:33+00:00Naima Ghezal , Meriem Ben Sekirifa , Zekkour Mouhammed Moufida<p>The current study aimed to reveal the most important A set of complex mental processes that are involved in organizing and controlling behavior so that they allow the individual to perform goal oriented actions, represented in executive functions (EF) Given the paramount importance of: (EF) for pupils with a disorder(ADHD)inability (EF) puts this group of pupils on a slippery slope that often leads to significant academic and social problems. How does executive function deficits affect students with ADHD?(ADHD) in the process of reading?</p>2025-02-18T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 therapy as a treatment for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD)2025-02-19T18:04:33+00:00Dr. LAIB Abdelkader,Dr. Zeghouane Amal,Dr. Benine ibtissam,Dr. Salhi Elhocine ,Dr. Gherbi<p>Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is one of the most complex neurodevelopmental disorders, characterized by impaired social interaction and communication and the presence of restrictive or repetitive behaviors. Despite the progress made in understanding this disorder, its causes remain unclear, and effective interventions are still under investigation. Recent studies highlight the role of motor disabilities in exacerbating the underlying symptoms of ASD, making psychomotor therapy a promising intervention to improve motor, social, and communication skills in children with autism spectrum disorder.</p>2025-02-19T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025