Published: 2020-06-30

Family Functionality and Aggressiveness in High School Students in Lima

Isabel Menacho Vargas, Felipe Supo Condorķ, Francis Esmeralda Ibarguen Cueva, July Rivera-Zamudio, Flor De Marķa Sįnchez Aguirre, Jessica Palacios Garay

143 - 146

Schema Theory and Autobiographical Memories

Klien H. J., Und Leibetseder M., Pazooki K., Gruber D.

163 - 166

Prevalence and Correlates of Psychological Stress Among First-Year Undergraduate Students in South of Jordan

Ahmad Al Rawashdeh, Rafi Alnjadat, Rasha S. Dabbour, Mohammad Bani Younis

173 - 177

The Use of Magazine Spreads as a Tool in Neuroscience Pedagogy

Patrick L. Smith, Jordan R. Howard, Matthew D’Alessandro

191 - 197

Avatars in Education: Age Differences in Avatar Customization

Monika Paleczna, Barbara Szmigielska

203 - 205

The Image of the Other in the Short Arab Story

Adnan Hafez Joudeh, Jafar Farhan Atheeb
