Exam-time Persistence: Evidence for Gender Differences in Risk-Taking at a Chinese University by Dr. Zhongneng Xu, Mr. Mingzhong Liu, Mr. Zhengkun Wang & Dr. Ken Chan

Gender response to exam-time persistence over an assortment of course subjects was examined at a Chinese university. Data obtained from 27 classes revealed that male students, on average, handed in their papers earlier than their female counterparts. We further conducted a rarely investigated association between exam submission time and academic performance in one course subject. We found students who persisted to exam end-time received higher exam scores than those who handed in their exam papers early. This is particularly evident among male students. A biological basis likely exists for sex differences in risk taking and competitiveness during examinations. Differential male- female behavior during examinations may explain some of the gender differences observed in the labor market.


Workplace Aggression and Young Workers’ Work-Related Attitudes: Testing a Connection in a Sample of University Undergraduates by Mercy C. Oyet

This study investigated a possible psychological mechanism that may underlie the relationship between workplace aggression and the work-related attitudes of young workers (N=166) in part-time work. Drawing from the integrative transactional process model of stress, it was hypothesized, and found, that meaningful work mediated the negative relationships between workplace aggression and the motivation to do good work and work ethic, and the positive relationship between workplace aggression and work-related cynicism. These findings extend past research which has linked experienced workplace aggression to negative work-related attitudes in young workers in part-time employment, by clarifying a possible pathway underlying this relationship.