Competence of Teaching Grammar Communicatively As a Part of Linguadidactic Competence of Future English Teachers

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Makhkamova Komila


Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of competence of teaching grammar communicatively as a part of linguadidactic competence of  English teachers the teaching-learning process.

Methods: A pre-experimental study was conducted. It involved 36 university students from five faculties (6 males and 30 famales) between 18 and 22 years old. A questionnaire validated by experts was created to evaluate competence of teaching grammar communicatively as a part of linguadidactic competence of English teachers.

Results: The results report the significant effectiveness of competence of teaching grammar communicatively as a part of linguadidactic competence of English teachers  and advantages teaching grammar communicatively.

Conclusions: was useful to use competence of teaching grammar communicatively as a part of linguadidactic competence of English teachers during teaching English as a foreign language as they are related to real life, as teacher tries to encourage students using authentic materials.

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