Learning Of Creative Products And Entrepreneurship In Improving Work Readiness Of Tata Boga Vocational School Students

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Yunus Karyantoa


This study aims to describe the learning of Creative Products and Entrepreneurship in improving job readiness of students of SMK Tata Boga. This research approach is a qualitative approach. This research site at 4 vocational high schools in Surabaya. Data collection techniques used include observation, interviews, documentation and FGD. The results showed that: (1) Learning Creative Products and Entrepreneurship is in accordance with Basic Competencies with learning resources for books, the internet, direct learning in the business world and industry, cultivating active attitudes and critical thinking, and by applying the Production Based Teaching Model learning model; (2) student work readiness is shown by being able to make planning, production, integrated marketing and evaluation, opening their own business through online stores, and being able to open their own job fields, and (3) innovations in food products by students as a provision for work readiness shown by: (a) making processed food products with innovations that are of interest to the public including ingredients, texture, appearance, taste and creativity, processing techniques, decorating, packaging and presentation, and (b) selling products directly and online and marketing brochures, social media and the open pre order system. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that learning Creative Products and Entrepreneurship for students of SMK Tata Catering can improve student competence in making business plans, processing, marketing products both directly and online and being able to open their own businesses, so that students have work readiness in the culinary sector .

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