Poetics Of The Ghazal Genre In Uzbek Poetry Of The Second Half Of The XX Century

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Shahnoza Muhitdinovna Rakhmonova


The article reveals the role of the ghazal genre in the development of poetic form and content in Uzbek poetry in the second half of the twentieth century. The poems of Uzbek poets Habibi, Sabir Abdulla, Chustiy, Charkhiy, Erkin Vahidov, Abdulla Aripov are the basis for the analysis. The main theme of the article is to cover the issues related to the prosody characteristics and content of the simple ghazal, ghazal-i qit’a, ghazali musajja’, ghazali muvashshahi ta’rikh and reversible ghazal metre in the works of these artists. It also discusses ghazal muvashshahi ta’rikh, which are not found in the history of Uzbek literature, and the possibilities of ghazal types with reversible prosody are analyzed.

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