Validation of Existing Arabic Language Reading Knowledge Instrument (SPSAMBA): Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)

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Noorazi bin Rani, Harun Baharudin, Mohd. Isa Hamzah


This study aimed to review the Existing Arabic Language Reading Knowledge Instrument (SPSAMBA). A total of 150 trainee teachers in the field of Islamic Education and Arabic at the Institute of Teacher Education (IPG) were involved as respondents in this pilot study. Data analysis was descriptive using Alpha Cronbach reliability and factor exploration analysis (EFA) using SPSS software version 25. The results of the analysis found that the value of Alpha Cronbach obtained between 0.945-0.949 and the overall index value is 0.949. Results from the EFA showed five existing knowledge factors with Eigenvalues ​​each exceeding 1.0. The existing knowledge construct had a KMO Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy value of 0.858> 0.5. It proved that the items were sufficient for inter-correlation and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity (BToS) test was significant (Chi-Square 2157.699, p <0.05), the anti-image value (Measure of Sampling Adequacy - MSA) for item correlation exceeded 0.5 with all items accepted and the total variance value explained by the five factors was 61.97 per cent. The overall findings recorded that the items for the existing knowledge instruments could measure and answer the objectives of the study.

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