Islamic Religious Literacy Practice And Ideology: A Case Study On Two Religious Student Organizations of Public University In Lombok Island

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Agus Iswanto, Joko Tri Haryanto, Ahmad Muntakhib


Religious literacy is related to a certain ideological motif that directs the literacy practice. The study would like to present the relationship between the practice of religious literacy and the ideology in public university by means of case study in the City of Mataram, Lombok island, West Nusa Tenggara. The study will be conducted based on a case study in two Islamic-based organizations (A and B group) of a public university in that city. The study defines that group A has been committing the culture of listening more in religious literacy and thus the literacy of the group is a passive one, while group B is active literacy, because it has been committing not only the culture of listening but also the culture of interpreting, indicated by academic writing programs on the Qur’an. These literacies might be traced back to the ideological base and patron that both groups have adopted.

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