Peace Education Model Based on the Piramid Model to Reach Forgiveness to Increase Resilience Tobullying Victims in the Digital Era

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Tristiadi Ardi Ardani et al.



The aim of this article is to develop a forgiveness-based peace education model to increase resilience. Peace Education is the process of obtaining values, knowledge and developing attitudes, skills and behavior to live in harmony with oneself, with others, and with the natural environment. In a positive psychology perspective, forgiveness is an effort to become an afterthought and practice to reconcile the soul in the digital era. While resilience is an individual's ability to remain able to survive and remain psychologically stable and healthy after going through traumatic events. Meanwhile, this research method uses a development research design approach. Gay (1990) The research and development design approach method is a research procedure that produces a product that is effective for use at both the university learning level and school learning. The design of research and development designs through the exploratory and experimental stages. The explorative stage with a quantitative approachwith a survey method to analyze the problem. While the experimental stage uses experimental stages in existing research.

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