The Effect of Teacher Leadership on Biological Teachers’ Organizational Commitment Mediated by Procedural Justice

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Abizar, I Made Putrawan , Supriyatin


The objective of this research was aimed at finding out whether teachers organizational commitment directly affected by teachers’ leadership and indirectly by procedural justice. Therefore, a causal survey method used and around 88 senior high school biological teachers selected randomly as sample. All three variables measured by instruments which respectively characterized by its reliability 0.90 for organizational commitment, 0.89 for leadership, and 0.93 for procedural justice. Data analyzed by path analysis. Research results revealed that procedural justice was not a good mediator between leadership and teachers commitment. Moreover, teachers leadership was found directly and significantly affected of teachers’ organizational commitment, especially concern with affective commitment. These findings, fortunately, confirmed to its theoretical model proposed by Colquitt, (2019)1 indicated by the role of justice which was found directly and significantly affected teachers’ commitment. Based on these findings, it could be concluded that teachers desire to move or withdraw from its originally school as an organization due to would depend on the ability of teachers’ themselves in self motivation and inspiration as indicated by some dimensions of transformational styles which will determine teachers, in this case biological teachers, to take a decision dealing with affective organizational commitment by considering the role of procedural justice in school system.

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