A Social Intrapreneurship Impact Study: How Social Intrapreneurship Affects Firm Performance Measured by Financial Performance and Social Impact

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Andreas W. Djiwandono, Edi Abdurachman, Agung Trisetyarso, Idris Gautama So


The paper offers an empirical study on the economic and social impacts of Social Intrapreneurship. As companies continue to find new strategies to open their markets, increase their performance, and achieve sustainability, Social Intrapreneurship has offered the promise of offering social impact while gaining financial performance to build sustainable business growth in new untapped markets. This research offers empirical evidence of the impact of Social Intrapreneurship towards Firm Performance, measured by perceived Financial Performance and Social Impact. Primary data was collected through a questionnaire, and the results analyzed using SmartPLS 3 (Ringle et al., 2015). The study seeks novelty in developing a measurement tool for Social Intrapreneurship and a combined measure for Firm Performance which covers both economic and social value. It also offers empirical analysis showing Social Intrapreneurship explaining up to 63.9% of the variance in Firm Performance. The study contributes to practice by encouraging companies to pursue Social Intrapreneurship as they can expect an increase in firm performance from both financial and social impact.

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