Theoretical Review of Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction on Performance

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Aldi Moch Ramdani*, Rima Putri Trifani, Royani, Yeremia Refael Krisada Simbolon, Ratna Komala Putri


This research was conducted to obtain constructs regarding definitions and indicators of work motivation, definitions and indicators of job satisfaction, definitions and performance indicators. The research method used is literature review according to experts taken from several literatures both textbooks and journals. The results of the research show that work motivation is defined as a generating process that encourages, stimulates or moves a person or group of people who do something or the activities so that they can achieve their goals; whereas, the indicators of work motivation are responsibility, carrying out tasks with clear targets, level of effort, work results achieved in carrying out their duties, and the need for rewards. Job satisfaction is a response that describes the feelings of the individual towards his job. The indicators of job satisfaction are employment, wages, co-workers, promotions, and supportive working conditions. Performance is a result of work that has been done by someone in a company or organization in order to achieve the goals of a company. The indicators of performance are quantity of work results, quality of work results, cooperation between employees, ability to work, and attendance at work attendance.


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