Literature Study of Leadership Types in Indonesia

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Rendi Rusandi*, M Rizal Nasrullah, Riki Sonjaya, Anggi Saputri , Ratna Komala Putri


Leadership is an important part that is often found in every organization; it is also expected to be embedded in a leader, and is required in the management process in all types of organizations. The success of an organization in achieving its goals cannot be separated from a leader and his leadership. As time goes by and ages, there are many types of leaders. Moreover, in Indonesia, the role of a leader tends to be very much needed because it has various races, ethnicities and customs. This study aims to obtain information about the styles and types of leadership in Indonesia by using the theoretical study method according to experts, which is taken from several types of literature, both textbooks and journals. The data obtained are in the form of definitions and types of leadership. The results of the discussion define leadership style as a pattern of behavior shown in influencing, directing, and organizing a person or group to achieve goals. The type of leadership in Indonesia that is observed takes various forms depending on the point of view and level of importance. One of them is the view put forward by Yulk (2007), which states that there are 3 types of leadership based on behavior theory. Then in 2011, Wibowo presented 6 types of leadership with a wider group division.

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