The Legend of "Mbah Meyek" from Surakarta As A Medium Of Developing Creative Writing Competence on the Basis of Local Wisdom for University Students

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Sri Hastuti, St. Y. Slamet, Sumarwati, Ani Rakhmawati


The legend of folklore in Surakarta becomes an interesting thing to be studied and utilized in the learning. Learning that can be done by utilizing folklore is creative writing learning for students. This research aims to describe and prove the findings that folklore legends can be used as a medium of developing students' creative writing competence. The method used in this research was mixed methods with a combination of qualitative and quantitative to produce excellent and correct data. Researchers conducted in-depth observations, interviews with the resource persons, literature studies, and written tests. This study also engaged some students who were given special treatment and some students in neutral groups (without treatment). The research results show that the students experienced an increase in creative writing competence after studying and using Mbah Meyek folklore combined with the local wisdom from Surakarta. Creative writing learning that utilizes folklore or legend can provide scientific treasures about character education values to students from their stories.


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