Java Languages Level as a Form of Politeness between the Speaker and the Speech Partner

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Kusmira Dwi Ayuani, Budhi Setiawan, Kundharu Saddhono


This study aims to determine the use of a variety of languages in the level of Javanese speech in short stories in Javanese or crita cekak. The short story that was studied was sourced from the February-April 2019 edition of Panjebar Semangat magazine. The level of Javanese speech which is also called unggah-ungguh basa or undha-usuk basa are the different levels of language which are distinguished by age, occupation, social status, family relationships or the relationship between the speaker and the speech partner. The theory used in this research is functional grammar theory. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. In providing the data, the listening method is used which is applied by tapping and note taking. The results of this research indicate that the level of speech in Javanese has a function as a form of politeness for speakers of speech partners. The higher the level of speech used, the higher the politeness shown. In the short story excerpt published in the magazine Panjebar Semangat edition February to April 2019, differences in the use of various languages are influenced by differences in age, social status, and family relationships.

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