The Panacea for Inner Bliss: “Job Satisfaction”
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Purpose: Employee satisfaction has become one of the main corporate objectives in recent years. Organisations cannot reach competitive levels of quality, either at a product level or a customer service level, if their personnel do not feel satisfied or do not identify with the company. The main purpose of this research work is to determine empirically the factors that have an impact on the employees’ job satisfaction of Selected MSMEs of Baroda District of Gujarat State.
Design/Methodology/Approach – This paper is based on questionnaire covering various parameters specific on Employee Job Satisfaction. The research questionnaire is based on likert’s five point scale. This cross-sectional study is conducted in Baroda District. This paper offers an analysis of different parameters helps in identifying root analysis of Job Satisfaction for employees working in Selected MSMEs of Baroda District.
Findings – The main finding is that overall Job Satisfaction of Baroda District was truly at Good level in reliability test (Cronbach's Alpha). The Value of Cronbach’s Alpha (0.827) for overall Employee Job Satisfaction prevailing in selected MSMEs Units is at Good level of internal consistency prevailing in selected MSMEs units of Baroda District, which indicates a good sign. The group average Mean of the items was found to be (68.19) with a standard deviation of (4.572).
Practical implications – Based on these findings, the research results squabble for the importance of combining Job Satisfaction.
Originality/value – This research paper gives a more complex understanding of Employee Job Satisfaction.
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