Teachers' Readiness in Teaching Flood Disaster Mitigation, Portrayed By The Teacher's Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK): A Case Study In Pelalawan District, Riau Province, Indonesia

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Mahdum, M. J. Adi Putra, D. Ayub, C. R. Lius, Mahmud


This is the first research on PCK (Pedagogical content knowledge) teachers about learning flood disaster mitigation. This article aims to identify and describe teachers' experiences in teaching flood disaster mitigation in elementary schools based on Professional and Pedagogical and Experience Repertoire (PaP-ERs). This article is written based on qualitative research conducted in Pelalawan district, Riau province, Indonesia. 12 teachers were involved in answering a list of questions about teaching readiness based on their experiences and conducted interviews. Based on the results of the study, it was found that in general, the teacher had appeared PCK in choosing the right method/strategy according to the conditions of student knowledge, using certain techniques to respond to student diversity, and guiding students to understand. Teachers begin to appear on knowledge about floods, identify and utilize students 'initial knowledge, select and use media/learning resources, review students' new knowledge, and choose appropriate techniques for evaluating. On the other hand, teachers do not or have not appeared using prompting and probing questioning techniques, student focus and discipline, and follow-up learning. This condition shows that in general, the teachers do not have the readiness to teach disaster mitigation properly even though they have experience in dealing with flood situations..

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