Performance Enhancement of Steam Turbine, Deteriorated by Scaling Phenomenon: A Review

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Jay Bhatt, Rushabh Shah, Prof. Vijaypratap Singh, Prof. Chintan Mazmudar


This Review paper comprises the reasons for the deterioration of the turbine efficiency. In addition to that, it depicts the major and affable researched covered for the particular problem occurred in the decay of the efficiency of the steam turbine. However, the major concern of this review paper is not to focus on the basics of turbine and its working principle. Despite the fact that the contamination of different composition in the steam, evaporating from the boiler, is found adamant to eliminate it totally by mechanical baffles. However, this review paper will discuss, rationally, different ways to reduce the maximum possible contamination of silicon oxide in the steam leaving the boiler, which are found in the deposits on the turbine blade. This paper also describes the mechanism of the nucleation of the deposits on the turbine blade, Relation between boiler water pH and the contamination of silica in the steam, and Effect of Epsom salt, potassium phosphate and sodium phosphate to reduce reduction ratio. It also discusses the current methods to remove the deposits as a part of maintenance program.

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