Branding Strategy of Suke House Bandung

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Annisa Bela Pertiwi, Mochamad Juldan Prabowo, Asep Jayana, Muhammad Mustofa Akhyar, Nadya Nurul Kusuma Anggraeni


Suke House is a company in the culinary field that produces various kinds of mixed milk and cheese drinks. The products from Suke House contain nutritious milk and cheese and are useful for making the body feel fresh. The branding design aims to increase the awareness of the Suke House brand. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method, and produces descriptive data, such as interviews, field notes, Figures, and others. The design of branding is done through a strategy of value, exposure and awareness. Various efforts have been made, starting from designing a logo and tagline that displays a simple, minimalist impression, and has a meaning that contains good hopes for the company. In addition, designing attractive and efficient bottle packaging, presenting Artisan, holding a giveaway, using testimonials from public figures to improve product image, collaborating with other businesses to get sponsorship, and so on. With this branding strategy, it is hoped that brand awareness can be created in the minds of the public, so that Suke House products continue to develop and have unique characteristics.

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