Consumer Decision Making In Omnichannel Buying Reference To Dink Couple For Luxury Buying

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Dr. Sachin S. Vernekar, Chahat Hargunani


In the past, consumers needed to make a shopping list, they needed to go to the physical store and buy the items but today the scenario has changed, due to the emergence of E-commerce has created a new path to web rooming our needs through just one click wherever and whenever we want. There are various ways to reach portals, but recently Omnichannel has grabbed its place in the form of Omnichannel shopping. This paper will deliberate on how the DINK couples who do not wish to complete their family and these millennials are eagerly waiting to experience web-rooming with Omnichannel portals differently for buying luxury products. The author will try to understand their attitude towards their buying behaviour through websites or apps. The author will study how this DINK couple has shifted their focus on accepting Omnichannel for their shopping as they are the early adopter in the market.

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