Study on correlation between Prosocial Behavior and Rejection Sensitivity among Indian expatriates

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Wilson Zacharia Alexander, Amiya Bhaumik, Srinivasakumar K.P, Vincent Elsy Wilson, Archana Chandran


The study is intended to investigate the correlation between Prosocial Behavior and Rejection
Sensitivity of Indian expatriates in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E). The sample of 202 Indian
expatriates from U.A.E were collected through simple random sampling method. The
instruments administered were Prosocial Personality Battery (Penner, Fritzsche,
Craiger&Freifeld, 1995), Rejection Sensitivity RS-Adult questionnaire (A-RSQ), (Berenson,, 2009). The data obtained was subjected to SPSS analysis and the statistical technique used
was Pearson correlation coefficient. The result revealed that Prosocial Behavior of expatriates
bears no significant correlation with Rejection Sensitivity. The study outcome would be of great
importance to seek for more psychosocial variables, if any, which can contribute to the evident
nature of helping behavior among expatriates

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