Mapping of Ulul Ilmi Character as a Basis for the Development of Islamic Education Objectives in Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

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Aam Abdussalam, Udin Supriyadi, Muhammad Parhan, Nurti Budiyanti


Education is a process of fostering and optimally developing human potential that touches all dimensions of life, including the
soul, mind and heart that make up the human personality. But in reality, education currently still focuses on vocational aspects,
while personality is neglected, so that even the goals achieved are partial, not whole. The output of education should be normative
and integrative, because there is a direction to be aimed in accordance with the views of education practitioners about the expected
qualifications of the human ideal, which of course involves the spirit of the Koran in all aspects of life. Therefore, this study
provides an overview of Ulul Ilmi character mapping in Indonesian Education University students in the PAI learning process. As
for the methodology used, the writer uses a qualitative approach, with the technique of distributing questionnaires to 97 UPI
students in various faculties. Based on the results of the preliminary research, it shows that the Ulul Ilmi characters are vulnerable
to 30-50% of each item presented in each question in each component of each Ulul Ilmi character. This shows that the Ulul Ilmi
character is not optimal for each student, so a treatment is needed that offers a Qur'an-based learning model as a solution to
improve the Ulul Ilmi character of students in Islamic Education learning at UPI which includes cognitive, affective,
psychomotor, social, ethical and spiritual.

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