Study of the Effect Collaborative Teaching Method on Creativity of Male Third Grade Elementary Students in Experimental Science

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Mehdi Sobhaninejad, Nahal Shahlavi , Mohammad hasan Tajdary, Ghasemabadi Karami Ranjbar


The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of the cooperative teaching method
on the creativity of male students in the third-grade elementary experimental science course
in Tehran (District 4) in the 94-95 academic years. The research method was quasiexperimental.
A total of 40 students were selected by the multi-stage cluster sampling method
and randomly divided into experimental and control groups. Subjects have been exposed to
the educational intervention program (courses 1-6 of experimental sciences) for two and a
half months. Data were collected using Torrance Creative Thinking Test (Form B) and the
results were discussed. The obtained data were analyzed using descriptive statistics (mean,
standard deviation, and mean standard error) and inferential statistics (independent t-test).
The results of the analysis showed that teaching in a cooperative manner is exploratory
teaching in fostering creativity (flexibility, fluidity, content expansion) in a science course.

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