"The impact of graceful leadership in achieving IT requirements at Yarmouk University" "From the faculty members’ point of view "

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Raeda salem Al-khresha


The study aimed to identify the impact of graceful leadership in achieving IT requirements at Yarmouk
University "from the faculty members’ point of view, and to achieve the goal of the study, the
descriptive analytical method was used, and a questionnaire as a tool for the study was designed, and
the study sample consisted of (200) faculty members. The random class sample method was used,
some of the most important findings of the study was: Graceful leadership dimensions (humility,
wisdom, patience, objectivity, calmness, confidence) were highly available among the university
leadership at Yarmouk University, with a relative weight of 82.5%. & mean of 8.25, and all the
responses of the sample about leadership practices at Yarmouk University in Jordan related to the
dimensions of graceful leadership, which the means ranged between (8.70-8.01) where it came in first
grade "you can meet the dean without hesitation or reservation any time you want "with a relative
weight of 87% and a mean 8.70 followed by "the Dean takes into account the time and place in
conducting his directions to you" with a relative weight of 85.6% and a mean 8.56, one of the most
prominent recommendations of the study so The university leadership should give greater freedom to
faculty members and communicate with the administration and the need to involve them in the
decision-making process within the university, increase technological means and develop the incentive
system to meet the necessary needs, which helps them increase loyalty to the university, motivate
faculty members because it has a role in creating confidence and reassurance and reducing fear of the
career future to make them more motivated at work.

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