Methods of students involving in the educational process in the mathematic disciplines

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Kondrashova E.V.


This article is concerned with several strategies that help students appeal to their personal capacities and that make the studying process more engaging. Concerning those processes that involve the studying of subjects and the completion of tasks, students often find themselves “face to face” with formal task settings and the technical aspects of problems. This is particularly true concerning mathematical disciplines and the first year of study. During this period, students have an urgent need to “ensole” the discipline they are studying; they attempt to apply the knowledge they have learned in real life examples, and receive emotional support from teachers and groupmates. The main purpose of this article is to show the possibility of improving the results of training in mathematical disciplines using development based on gamification and elaboration based on personal responsibility of training and visible results. Application of the methods presented in regard to students’ involvement in the educational process, (gamification and methods of studying, based on the personal responsibility of the student) showed positive results. Accordingly, we consider experiences pertaining to the implementation of gamification to the educational sphere. In this paper, the main difficulties that face teachers when conducting gamified course are marked, and the main stages of the method’s organizations and those statistical data that confirm the impact of this method are presented.

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