The Scope and Applications of International Trade agreementto the companies without legal status

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Dr. Nashat Mahmoud Abdalla Jaradat


To standardize the objective rules of the international sales contract, many effortshave been
made by international bodies to develop international tradeagreement, andone of the results of
theefforts was the emergence of the Vienna Convention of 1980. To avoid conflict of laws in the
event of an international dispute as they do not fit the nature of these transactions and because
they are oftenapplied national laws, part of the hatches went on to say that there is a crisis in the
platform of conflict of laws. In order to” to refer to the efforts made to standardize the objective
rules of the international sales contract, and then to indicate the scope of its international
application, especially in the case of the company without legalstatus, so to speak, and in order to
do so substantial amendments were proposed through the proposals and recommendations
reached through this study and for this use of theanalytical approach.

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