Forex Trading is a Big Scam for High-Risk Market People Who Can Burn Your Money in a Fraction of a Second

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Mehmet Hanifi Ayboğa, Farshad Ganji


Today we hear many names about different types of financial markets.  These modern markets have great potential for revenue.  For example, a large amount of money is traded every day in the US stock market.  This volume is sometimes around $ 100 million.  This figure has a great impact on the economies of different countries.  In this article, you will be fully acquainted with the Forex market and its related concepts.  Despite the warnings of security and judicial officials about the activities of pyramid schemes, as well as companies that operate under the name of foreign investment (Forex), and more and more people are deceived and lose their livelihoods, still We see that people are naively wasting their lives, which they realize only after the arrest and loss of capital. Due to the importance of the stock market and the Forex market, the present article introduces these two markets and compares them.  The 24-hour market, the high level of leverage credit, the possibility of trading in both the downtrend and the uptrend market, low costs and the possibility of low-price changes are important factors in the separation of the two markets.  As well as financial markets are affected.  A demo account in Forex is such that you select a certain amount of money and then practice with it virtually to learn how this market works and you do not need to have money to invest in Forex first.  But financial literacy is still essential, otherwise it will inevitably enter the forefront of Forex scams, which will benefit brokers.

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