A study of teacher’s opinion on cultural instruction of English language and its impacts on students' motivation

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Saad Kanoun Basher Ashafii, Youssef Mohammed Ali Omar


In order for students to persevere long enough to properly acquire a second language, it is essential that they are motivated and have a positive approach mostly during teaching sessions. The purpose of the current study is to examine and evaluate the viewpoints and opinions of English language teachers on the inclusion of the cultural context in courses in foreign languages. Utilizing surveys, interviews, and records, information was gathered. According to research about students' English proficiency ratings; students' enthusiasm to study English has an impact on how well they learn the language. According to studies on both language and culture, there is a close relationship between the two, and cultural norms, behaviours, and views have a significant impact on and shape communication. The study aimed at investigating and analyse the views and perceptions of English language teachers on the inclusion of cultural context in courses in foreign languages. One of the most crucial ideas in psychology is commitment. The majority of the educators thought it was feasible to have equivalent fluency in second language. The results revealed that despite some of the participants' limited vocabularies and English language ability, they nevertheless shown a great deal of excitement and drive for writing in English. The results revealed that despite the fact that some participants lacked pronunciation and linguistic ability, they nevertheless had a strong desire to write in English. In order to determine the connection between the study stages and the students' view of the teacher as a variable that influences the student's enthusiasm, a survey questions survey was given to the students at the three distinct levels of competence. With reference to the aforementioned aspects, the research's results and findings demonstrate that real motive plays a significant part in learning

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