Green Marketing Trends and Current Practices
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Concerns have been expressed by manufacturers and customers about the environmental impact of products during recent decades. The basic concept of green marketing is regular marketing activities that facilitate and enable the exchange of products or services without harming the environment thereby reducing their impact on the environment. The chief objective of green marketing is to achieve the goals of the company and its customers through a concerted effort to reduce environmental impact. Green marketing is a marketing concept that focuses on the importance of designing all marketing activities, taking into account the natural environment and meeting specific requirements. Green marketing objectives are a component of a voluntary organization's strategic plan, and all of its departments must follow business activities. This paper aims to present the real purpose of green marketing as well as the trend and current practices of green practice. This research is based on the secondary data collected from different sources. Furthermore, the benefit and challenges of green marketing along with various strategies related to green marketing, are also illustrated through this paper. Research has given good insights for marketers of the green products and suggests the need of designing the marketing communication campaigns promoting green products due to high green value among the consumers. Results reveal the view that overall green values, awareness about green products and practices, and the perception regarding the seriousness of marketing companies towards green marketing had a positive significant impact on consumer persuasion to buy and prefer green products over conventional products.
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