Philosophy and the Child or the Early Socratic Spirit

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Bendahmane Hadj, Benzineb Cherif


Philosophy is often viewed as a deep reflection on the world of ideas and existence in all its manifestations, and as one of...specializationGreat wise people, but no one willYHe looked at the Childaà philosopher or one of the rational people, but what we should not overlookThat childIt is born with the most important philosophical characteristic of “astonishment and questioning,” and over time we mold it according to our thinking and vision. When we are unable to find an answer to his troubling questions, we scold him and rebuke him on the pretext that they are older than his age, useless, or incompatible with our moral upbringing and norms. In fact, we are killing the philosopher inside him to cover up our inability and shortcomings. Sally, Childe have à certain type. Of the genius that is lost by molding it according to our personal vision. The child, with his questions, certainly does not produce knowledge, but it may shake our certainties and put our knowledge under question. Just a eu child's actions canot be predicted, his questions cannot be predicted. Our article revolves around the problem of the possibility of teaching the child the act of philosophizing, and can we establish a philosophy that is compatible with the mental and educational development of the child in the midst of the information revolution and the current cognitive Momentum ? What is the role of the philosophical story in establishing such an acte ?

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