The Strategy of Watershed Area Community Management on Flood Disaster Prevention and Solution

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The research objective of the strategy of watershed area community management on flood disaster prevention and solution was to synthesize a strategic plan to prevent and solve flooding problems in the middle of the water area and a community solution to prevent and solve flood problems. This research used the applied research methodology between quantitative research using survey research from questionnaires. The qualitative research collected data from in-depth interviews from key informants and focus group discussions was used to develop a strategic plan for community management in the area of strategic water with the prevention and resolution of flood problems. Research findings showed that the strategy of watershed area community management on flood disaster prevention and solution that will lead to the formulation of plans, namely, preparation strategies, flood prevention strategy, flood management strategy, strategic remedy strategy and strategies for sustainable solutions in order to meet the goals set forth in both the development dimension for sustainability, efficiency dimension in resource management, dimension of quality of flood management and the effectiveness dimension of driving while operating in an emergency which must be driven by 16 strategic plans, 84 missions and 35 indicators of success in order the public, so this for the people, community leaders, networks partners, department of government, private sector networks and public charity organizations in the area integrated together to achieve the objectives and goals as specified.

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