Natural Scıence Learnıng Module Based on Multıple Intellıgences in Elementary Schools

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Arrofa Acesta, et al.


This study aimed to produce a valid, practice, and effective Natural Science learning module based on multiple intelligence to improve the higher-order thinking skills of elementary school students. The development research (R&D) which ADDIE development model was used in this research. The module was assessed using a questionnaire form consisting of 4 validating questionnaire forms (material, linguists, learning design, and learning media), teacher and student response questionnaires. Based on the validating result from the material, linguists, and learning design experts obtained the feasibility of the product with a very good category. The validating result from learning media experts obtained excellent category. On the other hand, the assessment from the teacher and student also showed a very good category. Furthermore, the product effectiveness was tested on the students through the pretest and posttest and showed that the products produced could improve student learning outcomes.

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