Digital competence, engagement and role stress in Latin American teachers Competencia digital, engagement y estrés de rol en docentes universitarios latinoamericanos

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Angel Deroncele Acosta , et. al.


The covid-19 pandemic has generated transformations in the roles of university teachers in Latin America, demanding a new dynamic of life and adjustment to a work environment with emphasis on virtuality, which called for rethinking synchronous and asynchronous teaching-learning spaces. Consequently, the objective of the study was to evaluate the digital competencies (DC), engagement (ENG) and role stress (RS) of this professional. A mixed methodological approach, non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational and explanatory design was used. 300 teachers from Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico and Peru participated. Three questionnaires and one open-ended question were conducted. The results indicate a medium level of DC, high level of ENG and medium level of RS. A significant relationship was found between ENG and RS, the higher the level of RS, the lower the ENG or vice versa. There is a significant relationship between ENG and DC; the higher the level of ENG, the higher the DC or vice versa. No statistically significant relationship was found between RS and DC. The three variables are similar in public and private universities. However, DC and ENG are different in men and women, although RS is similar for both genders. The open-ended question revealed emerging categories such as ICT strategies for formative assessment in virtual environments, fostering teaching learning communities and positive mental health self-management. All this makes possible the projection of future routes of postpandemic psychosocial intervention.

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