From Pathologization to School Integration Policies for Sexually Dissident Students in Chile

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Eugenio Octavio Pérez-Álvarez


Through a historical journey, this work proposes a critical vision of the process that has marked the integration of sexual dissident students into the Chilean school system. In the first instance, from a legal perspective, the political and regulatory milestones that were carried out with the intention of penalizing, criminalizing, belittling and making sexual dissidents invisible are disclosed. Subsequently, educational policies on sexuality and the normative historical development in education on issues of sexuality and sexual dissidence are addressed. Finally, the pending tasks are considered regarding the integration and recognition of those sexual dissidents into the school system, which have been affected, during the last decade, by conservative and moralistic positions adopted by different political actors on the subject and, in addition, supported by the interest of transforming reality based on a change not only curricular, but also cultural and social understood from the communicative and participatory action, with those students present within an educational community and who demand to be respected, made visible and recognized.

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