Quality Management System (QMS) Accreditation and Market Performance: evidence from Small Training Providers in KwaZulu-Natal
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South Africa has 21 sector-based Education and Training Quality Authorities (ETQAs) responsible for accrediting training providers. They are, in turn, accredited by the South African Qualification Authority (SAQA) for the purpose of monitoring and auditing training achievements in terms of the National standards and qualifications. Such Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs) administer education and training within their industrial sectors. In order for training providers to be accredited, they should implement and use Quality Management System (QMS) assuring that they provide quality service to learners. Hence, this study evaluates the influence of QMS accreditation on market performance of small training providers in KwaZulu-Natal.
For the study to achieve its objectives, the ETQAs provided a sample frame of accredited training providers in KwaZulu-Natal. These authorities were affiliated to 12 different SETAs. From 89 small training providers identified for participation, 81 participated in the study. The study indicates that QMS accreditation increases market share. Market share increases in direct proportion with small training providers who operate in accordance with QMS objectives. Small training providers should determine the right market performance measures during QMS implementation in order to find new markets and increase competitiveness.
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